Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mommy Post

I've been following this blog -- http://cfhusband.blogspot.com/
for quite a while now.

Basically the story is this -- Tricia married to Nate has CF.
Right before getting listed for new lungs Tricia found herself pregnant.
Feeling it God's miraculous plan for their lives they, against many doctors recommendations, decided to go ahead with the pregnancy at great risk to Tricia.

Fast forward to January. Gwyneth Rose is born VERY early!!
Both Tricia and Gwyneth are at Duke Hospital.

There was a challenge from another reader of the blog to list what we mom's wish for Tricia.
Basically a list of what the blessings of motherhood that we've experienced.
I thought with most of the readers of this blog being Mommy's themselves you may relate.
Feel free to add to the list in the comment page.

Here is my list:
*Only wanting Mom when they skin their knee (even at 10 yo!)
*Words tumbling out of both of their mouths (at the same time) when I pick them up from school.
*Watching one relate to the other a funny story.
*Enjoying them interact with their Daddy.
*Listening to Nathan sing praise songs with all his heart at church.
*Getting to hear, "Ahh, Mom" whenever either is asked to do something.
*Brushing Kia's hair in the morning.
*Reading any book and having their absolute attention.
*Bedtime prayers.
*A rare kiss from Kia.
*A cuddle from Nathan.

1 comment:

. said...

How did you hear about them? I have been following their story for months now. I found it through a friend, through a friend. Crazy!